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PRIVACY respects your privacy and recognizes your concerns about how information about you is used and shared. Since we believe that you should have as much information as possible about our practices, we have prepared a detailed privacy policy text for you. In this way, we, as, hope that you will act more safely and consciously in your relations with us and that you will use our site more often. By visiting this site, you accept the terms under the Privacy Policy heading below.

By accessing the domain and/or any page of the internet website, you agree to be bound by the conditions set out below. If you do not accept the terms set out below, This section contains the policies of the website and its components regarding the personal information you provide when you visit the website and use the site services. Our goal is for you to know that the security and confidentiality of your information provided on the Internet is protected at the highest level.

You can visit the site pages without providing any personal information, get information about our company, our patents, offers and services, and be informed about job opportunities and other value-added services. However, if you would like to benefit from the job opportunities or services we offer you, you may need to provide us with more information about you at your own discretion.




The "domain" and "IP" addresses of people who visit are automatically recorded. This information does not identify you personally, but only includes information about the computer used to access the site. This information is used in analyzes to determine the scope of our site and to better understand the purposes and types of use of the site, as it shows where in the world the site is used and for what purposes. Detailed explanation is presented below under the same heading.




When you request information through, some personal information about you is required. When you send an e-mail to or subscribe for regular free information (e-newsletter/newsletter/press release/etc.), your e-mail address, name and even in some cases certain other personal identifiers such as telephone numbers are collected. We need your information. When you wish to purchase information, goods, products or services, we request certain additional financial details. If you request employment-related services or information, we will need certain personally identifiable information about you, such as education, employment history, family and financial details. Your personal information will be used to provide the information, goods, products and services you request. If we request very specific personal information, we ensure that the collection and use of this information is in full compliance with applicable laws on data storage and privacy.


Your details, and its manager skyidesign Synergic Innovation Research Development Design Consultancy Ltd. Ltd. It will not be given to anyone else without your permission., skyidesign Synergic Innovation Research Development Design Consultancy Ltd. operating worldwide. Ltd. Since it is connected to T.R., the information you provide is can be transferred outside its borders. This and all other transfers will be kept confidential and used only by skyidesign Sinerjik Innovation Research Development Design Consultancy Ltd. Ltd. will be used by. When you provide your information to receive a service and follow the necessary process for it to reach, you agree to such information transfer.

When we want to use your personal information for a new purpose other than the reason for which it was provided to, we ask for your consent.




Your information is stored for a certain period of time to improve our services. We do not request information other than the information we stated above.


Information including all requests, suggestions, complaints and questions sent by, users, visitors and project members regarding the site is stored in order to measure site performance. This information cannot be used for any purpose other than responding to individuals themselves.

When collecting personal information on our corporate website, we will be informed whether we need personal information. Personal information is information that can be used to identify an individual and may include (but is not limited to) name, email address, postal or other physical address, title, occupation, and other information necessary to provide a service, deliver a product, or complete a transaction you have requested. The reasons we collect personal information include:

Your participation in thinktanks and/or freelance creator groups;

Consulting and collaborative efforts;

Creating lists for projects, groups and announcements;

Membership programs and press releases, etc. registration for subscriptions;

Providing users with a richer and more useful experience on the website.

We may also offer you the opportunity to request more specific or specific information on products and services that may be of interest to you.

Unless you have given permission for to share your personal information with third parties, this information will not be shared in any way. However, we may share your personal information with authorized third-party agents when necessary to perform a requested service or transfer. For example, if we need to make any delivery to you by courier, we need to inform the courier company of your name and address. We provide third parties with only enough information to enable them to complete the requested service or transaction.

In addition, reserves the right to place Web beacons in HTML format e-mail newsletters in the future, but not today, without notice, in order to determine how many newsletters (or certain articles, links, etc.) have been accessed.


If you provide your e-mail and other contact details, the updated skyidesign Sinerjik Innovation Research Development Design Consultancy Ltd. Ltd. You also give your consent that we can send you information about our products, services, partners, suppliers, representatives, representations, sponsors and special projects. If you do not consent and do not want to be contacted for these purposes, you can refuse to receive this information and if you specifically notify, will fulfill your request. If you do not refuse to receive this information, the information you provide to us will be shared with the new skyidesign Sinerjik Innovation Research Development Design Consultancy Ltd. company that may be of interest to you. Ltd. It can be used to inform you about products, services, projects, groups and solution partners mentioned above.


Whatever your preference is, whenever you want, you can express your preference by replying to the e-mail at and skyidesign Sinerjik Innovation Research Development Design Consultancy Ltd. Ltd. You can declare that you no longer wish to receive information about products, services, projects and groups. In addition, all e-mails sent by contain information on how you can reject future e-mails.




In addition to the uses described above, will share some of your information with third parties that may be relevant to fulfill your requests. For example, in the projects, products, inventions and innovations you are interested in through our website, your request for information will be sent to skyidesign Sinerjik Innovation Research Development Design Consultancy Ltd., which will provide you with information, offer cooperation or realize the project. Şti.'s solution partners, partners, representatives, etc. will be sent to the authorities. Only data that will enable your request to be fulfilled will be disclosed. However, personal information will also be given to third parties when required by law.


DATA PROTECTION will not be able to collect personally identifiable information about you unless you provide it voluntarily. (E.g. name, address, telephone number, e-mail address) If you provide your personal information to, will store this information for future use for purposes such as marketing, market research, project development and reaching you. In addition, may transfer this information to its own solution partners for the same purposes.

If you have already sent your personal information and would like it to be deleted from our records, please contact us via the contact form on the site. If you provide us with unsolicited information, you approve our use of this information as specified on this site.




Content and registration process of the information generated during your visit to the website:

The time that you visit, the date and the pages you visited etc. The information is automatically recorded by our system to be used in reshaping and structuring processes in line with your needs and interests. Most of this information is transmitted to us by the internet browser you use. The complete list of information automatically collected and recorded during your visit and use of is as follows:

Time, date and duration of your visit;

The pages you visit and the forms and documents you download;

IP number of the internet provider you used for the visit;

The computer operating system and browser type you use for the visit;

If you visited a link (link or page) on another web address, the web address that provides the link.

The number of detected visitors and the visiting rates of the pages, the visitor's visiting frequency and preferred browser, etc. In order to serve you better, information about the software is collected to create visitor profiles and general statistical data in the reshaping and structuring processes, to determine the trends of how visitors use our site, and to serve as a guide for reporting and promotion

of services. This automatically collected information does not contain any (personal) individual information. does not sell the personal information it receives from users (your name, e-mail address, home and work address, telephone number, etc.) to a third party, does not publish it to the public, or keeps it on the site.




The Privacy Policy will be updated from time to time by and reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy. If you have any questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy Statement or the Site Usage Policy rules, you can send them to us using the email address

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